Oakley College

Oakley College

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Homework Week 2

Hi all,

Your homework this week is a little bit different! you have a homework project which is to be handed in on Wednesday 24th of May. This is a design project where you have to create a portfolio (a folder of evidence) of different fashions and designers from around the world. You will add photographs of your chosen designers and add examples of their work. Your portfolio can be completed on A4 or A3 paper and should be handed in as one document, meaning each page must be joined together – like a book. Your portfolio should represent you and your ideas, be colourful and have lots of evidence to show each step you have taken to complete the tasks. Remember with design there is no wrong answer, it is about you and your creations!

Spelling homework is to learn your 10 words for a spelling test next week.

We can't wait to see all your creations! Have fun!!

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Semana 2.

¡Buenos días familias! 

Mañana jueves repartiré los deberes correspondientes de la semana, que corregiremos el 5 de mayo.
El viernes 28 de abril corregiremos los que entregué la semana pasada.

Un saludo y feliz semana.

Miss Rita.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Resources for this term

Hi all,

This term we will be looking at the history of clothing. For this, we ask that you bring in 2 old t-shirts which you no longer wear or don't mind changing them. These can be of any colour but must be plain and have no design on it already. We will be using these to design and make our own t-shirts.

Can these please be in school by Friday 28th April.

Thank you

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Homework Week 1

Welcome back everyone!!

We are very happy to see you all back after your holidays. Your homework this week is English, Maths and Spelling. English is on Education City, if you can not access this please let us know as soon as possible.

Spelling please learn and practice all 10 words for a spelling test next week.

Maths homework is looking at subtraction. Please complete the questions on the worksheets and stick this in your homework books.

Have a great week

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Semana 1. Notas Importantes.

¡Buenos días queridas familias!

Espero que hayan disfrutado de las vacaciones. Nos espera un tercer trimestre cargado de actividades y de nuevos aprendizajes.

Hoy los niños llevan los deberes correspondientes de la semana. La fecha para entregarlos es el próximo viernes 28.04.17.
 Recuerden que los deberes son un refuerzo importante para los contenidos que estamos viendo y una práctica para el examen.

Con motivo del próximo Día de Canarias durante este mes los alumnos de y4 llevarán a casa un libro de Literatura Canaria.
Tenemos dos títulos para trabajar con ambas clases( que nos intercambiaremos una  vez finalizado el trabajo de cada lectura):
 Piojos y Tareas
Cleta y Domilila

El objetivo es que vayan leyendo en casa y también lo trabajaremos en clase (vocabulario, personajes…), por lo tanto el libro debe traerse siempre a la escuela. 
Al finalizar el trabajo del libro haremos un pequeño examen de comprensión lectora sobre el mismo.
Por lo tanto durante estas próximas semanas NO habrá resumen, será un trabajo de comprensión  para favorecer el gusto por la lectura de nuestra tierra.

Lo llevan hoy y habrá que traerlo al cole el próximo día 4 de Mayo, para intercambiarlo y hacer el correspondiente examen de comprensión.

Cualquier cosa, no duden en preguntarme. Un abrazo y feliz semana.
Miss Rita.

Friday, 14 April 2017

Photograph needed for Tuesday 18th April

Hi all,

We hope you have had an excellent holiday and are well rested ready for Term 3. This term we will be starting a new topic in humanities. Please can you bring in a photograph of yourself wearing your "best" clothes.

Can you please have the photograph in school by Tuesday 18th April, we will be using these in the first lesson.

Thank you

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn