Oakley College

Oakley College

Monday, 18 December 2017

Semana 17.¡Feliz Navidad a todos!

¡Buenos días queridas familias!

Mi deseo para esta Navidad es que que la magia y la ilusión brille siempre en nuestros corazones.

Imagen relacionada

No olviden leer y escribir un poquito durante estas fiestas.

¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo!

Les espero a la vuelta, para continuar con el aprendizaje... y no olviden que
Resultado de imagen de frases aprendizaje primaria

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Christmas Party Food!!

Dear all,

We are having a Christmas party on Friday 22nd December.  Below is a list of food that we would like your children to bring if possible. 

May we take this opportunity to thank you for your support this year and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!

Miss Brenda and Mr Glenn

Crisps x1 large bag
Crisps x1 large bag
Crisps x1 large bag
Crisps x1 large bag
Crisps x1 large bag
Sweets (non chocolate – 1 small packet)
Sweets (non chocolate – 1 small packet)
Sweets (non chocolate – 1 small packet)
Sweets (non chocolate – 1 small packet)
Biscuits (not chocolate – 1 packet)
Biscuits (not chocolate – 1 packet)
Biscuits (not chocolate – 1 packet)
Biscuits (not chocolate – 1 packet)
Biscuits (not chocolate – 1 packet)
Juice (non fizzy) 1litre
Juice (non fizzy) 1 litre
Juice (non fizzy) 1litre
Juice (non fizzy) 1litre
Napkins – 1 pack
Plastic Cups - 25
A small amount of Fruit

Food  4B
Crisps x1 large bag
Crisps x1 large bag
Crisps x1 large bag
Crisps x1 large bag
Crisps x1 large bag
Sweets (non chocolate – 1 small packet)
Sweets (non chocolate – 1 small packet)
Sweets (non chocolate – 1 small packet)
You Mong
Sweets (non chocolate – 1 small packet)
Biscuits (not chocolate – 1 packet)
Victor L
Biscuits (not chocolate – 1 packet)
Biscuits (not chocolate – 1 packet)
Biscuits (not chocolate – 1 packet)
Biscuits (not chocolate – 1 packet)
Juice (non fizzy) 1litre
Juice (non fizzy) 1 litre
Hugo O
Juice (non fizzy) 1litre
Hugo P
Juice (non fizzy) 1litre
Juice (non fizzy) 1litre
Victor P
Napkins – 1 pack
Plastic Cups - 25
A small amount of Fruit
A small amount of Fruit

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Semana 16.

¡Buenos días queridas familias!

" Ya vienen los Reyes, por los arenales, ya traen al Oakley, los últimos deberes..."

Villancicos Navideños

Les recuerdo que mañana jueves bajaremos a la biblioteca a entregar los libros y ya no sacaremos.
Volveremos con la rutina en enero, a la vuelta de las vacaciones.

De la misma manera repartiré unos deberes, que serán los últimos del trimestre también 
(Comprensión Lectora).

La fecha para entregarlos será para el jueves 21.12.17, ya que el viernes haremos una fiesta de Navidad.

Muchísimas gracias a todos por el esfuerzo y el trabajo realizado. 
Un abrazo y feliz semana.
Miss Rita.

Monday, 4 December 2017

Semana 15.

¡Buenos días queridas familias!

Los deberes que marcaré esta semana consistirán en aprenderse la canción de  navidad, que cantaremos el día de nuestra representación.

Les entregaré la letra y la podrán buscar en Youtube, para practicarla desde casa.
 "Te regalo una sonrisa".

Los deberes que mandé la semana pasada los corregiremos el lunes 11.12.17, ya que este viernes es festivo.

De la misma manera, les recuerdo que el jueves 14 de diciembre, tendrán que entregar el último resumen y libro de la biblioteca. Volveremos a retomar esta rutina, a la vuelta de las vacaciones.

¡Un fuerte abrazo  y feliz semana!
Miss Rita.
Image result for frases motivadoras primaria

Monday, 27 November 2017

Semana 14.

¡Buenos días queridas familias!

Les recuerdo que este jueves bajaremos a la biblioteca a coger un nuevo libro, por lo que deben traer el resumen correspondiente y el libro que cogieron hace dos semanas.

La nueva fecha para el resumen y la entrega del libro nuevo será para el jueves 14.12.17, siendo el último que cojamos en esta evaluación.

También daré deberes de repaso, y la fecha de entrega es para el lunes 11.12.17, ya que el viernes 8.12.17 es festivo.

¡Un saludo y feliz semana!

Miss Rita.

Related image

Friday, 24 November 2017

Homework 22nd- 28th Nov


This week Year 4 have:

  • Spellings
  • Maths - all about telling the time and finding times.
  • English - make a paragraph more interesting (Write it into your books).
This is along with your regular learning of your times tables and regular reading to parents.

PLease also continue to learn your Christmas scripts and songs.


Mr Glenn and Miss Brenda

Monday, 20 November 2017

Semana 13.

Image result for frases motivadoras estudiantes

¡Buenos días queridas familias!

¡Por fin terminamos los exámenes de la primera evaluación!

Todos han hecho un gran esfuerzo, ahora toca recoger las recompensas... ¡Ya huele a Navidad!

Esta semana mandaré deberes. La fecha para entregarlos será para el próximo viernes, día 1.12.17.

¡Un abrazo y feliz semana!

Miss Rita.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

15th - 21st November Homework


This week's homework is:

  • Maths: Education City homework folder
  • English: Education City homework folder
  • Spellings
  • Keep learning your times tables
  • Keep learning your Christmas lines.
Mr Glenn and Miss Brenda

Christmas Play Costumes!

Hello everyone

Here are a few costume suggestions for the Christmas play this year.  Please can children bring their costumes in on Wednesday 13th December in a named bag.

If you have any questions - feel free to ask!


Mr Glenn and Miss Brenda

Jacks:  Dungarees and red and black checked shirt (All Jacks need to look the same)
Ugly Sisters: long dress, apron and blonde wig
Daisy: Cow outfit
Brewster: Rooster outfit (these are available in Carolan)
Hen: Chicken outfit (these are available in Carolan)
Giant:  Oversized trousers, shirt and boots
Mrs Giant:  Oversized dress and boots
Old Man:  Trousers, shirt and a jacket
Stork:  Brown leggings, white t-shirt
Harp:  Long, gold dress with sleeves so we can attach string to them
Pigs:  Pink t-shirt and grey leggings or vice versa
Sheep:  Black leggings and white t-shirt
Ducks:  Yellow t-shirt and yellow leggings

Monday, 13 November 2017

Semana 12.

¡Buenos días queridas familias!

Esta semana terminaremos con nuestros exámenes de la primera evaluación, por lo tanto no marcaré deberes.

Únicamente recordarles que el viernes corregiremos los que marqué la semana pasada de repaso y que este jueves SÍ bajaremos a la biblioteca
El siguiente resumen y cambio de libro será para el jueves 30.11.17

¡Muchas gracias y feliz semana!

Miss Rita.

Image result for frases educativas para niños

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

8th-15th Homework


This week Year 4's homework is:

  • English - unscramble the words to form sentences and write them correctly in their books.
  • Maths - 4 activities adding and subtracting on Education City.
  • Science - 2 activities about electricity on Education City
These are alongside your regular reading at home and your practising of all the times tables.


Mr Glenn and Miss Brenda

Monday, 6 November 2017

Semana 11.

Image result for frases educativas primaria

¡Buenos días familias!
Espero que hayan disfrutado de la semanita de descanso.

Ya de vuelta, nos preparamos para los últimos exámenes del trimestre.

Les recuerdo que el jueves 9 tendremos el dictado y el lunes 13 la gramática.

Este miércoles recogeré los resúmenes y los libros pero NO sacaremos uno nuevo debido a la semana de exámenes.  Bajaremos el próximo jueves 16.
Igualmente repartiré deberes para repasar los contenidos. 
La fecha para entregarlos será  el viernes 17.11.17

¡Les deseo una feliz semana!
Miss Rita.

Friday, 3 November 2017

Roman Day Card Needed!

Welcome back to the second half of the term!

Year 4 have their Roman Day on Wednesday 15th November. We will be making our very own army shields.

To do this, children are asked to bring in their own card to be able to paint. A side of a cardboard box, breakfast box or a larger piece is required.

Thank you and we look forward to making our own Roman army!

Mr Glenn and Miss Brenda

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Half Term Homework


Well done for a fantastic first half of the term! Everyone has worked really hard and had a great start to Year 4!

Over the holiday your homework is:
  •  Learn your Christmas Play scripts!
  •  You will also need to keep learning all of your multiplication facts, (Can you say them in order? Can you answer random multiplication questions? Can you say them backwards? Can you use the inverse to help you with your division facts?
  • You can also do any activities that you feel will help you on Education City. 
  • Keep reading in English! Make sure you are reading out loud at least 3 times a week!

    Have a great week off and we will see you all when we start back!

    Mr Glenn and Miss Brenda

4G Assembly Songs


Please keep learning your class assembly songs over the holiday. I look forward to hearing them when we come back!

Space song: (only to 2.38)

Planet song:

Have fun!

Mr Glenn

Monday, 23 October 2017

Semana 9.

¡Buenos días queridas familias!

Hoy repartiré a los niños y niñas las nuevas fichas de estudio con las fechas de examen. (Serán a la vuelta de vacaciones).

Les recuerdo que esta semanan bajaremos a la biblioteca por lo que deben traer al cole el libro y el correspondiente resumen.
La nueva fecha de entrega será para el miércoles 8.11.17

También repartiré los deberes de esta semana. La fecha para entregarlos será el lunes 6.11.17

Cualquier consulta, no duden en preguntarme.

¡Un abrazo y feliz semana a todos!


Tuesday, 17 October 2017

18th October - 24th October Homework


This week you have 4 sets of homework:

  1. Spellings
  2. English - Change sentences to and from 1st and 3rd person.
  3. Maths - Find properties of 3D shapes
  4. Science - Complete the 3 electricity activities in the homework folder on Education City.
Good Luck!

Mr Glenn and Miss Brenda

House Football

This will take place for the children on Thursday 26th October.

Those who are not participating can support their team by bringing in a shirt that is the same colour as their house:

England - White
Wales - Red
Ireland - Green
Scotland - Blue

Please bring the shirt in your school bag so that you can change after lunch.


Mr Glenn and Miss Brenda

Monday, 16 October 2017

Semana 8.

¡Buenos días queridas familias!

Este jueves 19.10.17 repartiré los deberes correspondientes de esta semana. Recuerden la importancia, ya que los contenidos de éstos son los mismos temas que evaluaremos en la gramática.
La fecha para ser devueltos será para el próximo viernes 27.10.17

El libro y resumen son para la semana que viene (jueves 26.10.17)
Un abrazo y feliz semana a todos.

Miss Rita.
Image result for imagenes escuelas para primaria

Friday, 13 October 2017



Year 4 will soon be creating their own Roman helmets! To do this, children will need to bring in a couple of newspapers so that they can glue them together in class.

Please can you bring your newspaper(s) in before Wednesday 18th October.

Thank you and have a good weekend.

Mr Glenn and Miss Brenda

Monday, 9 October 2017

Semana 7.

¡Buenos días queridas familias!

Les recuerdo que este miércoles bajaremos a la biblioteca a coger un libro nuevo, por lo tanto deben entregar el resumen y el libro que se llevaron hace dos semanas.

La nueva fecha para entregar el resumen y libro será para el jueves 26.10.17.

Los deberes los corregiremos el 13.10.17

También entregaré los nuevos deberes, correspondientes a la semana 7. Se corregirán el 20.10.17

¡Un abrazo y feliz semana!

Miss Rita.

Friday, 6 October 2017

This year´s calendar competition is now open.  The theme is Nature and the Environment.  All entries must be in by 27th October.  Thank you.
Miss Brenda and Mr Glenn

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Homework 4th Oct - Friday 13th Oct

We hope you have all had enough sleep after camp!

Your homework this week is your spellings, which are due next Tuesday for your test, and your International Day Project. (Please see below for more details)

D ear Year 4,

For your homework this week we have set you a challenge!

For International Day (Friday 13
th October) we are going to be Italy – the home of the Romans!
As well as dressing up as Italians for the day, we are asking you to design your own Leaning Tower of Pisa! You will need to collect all of the materials that you are going to use to build it. It can be as big as you want!
First, at home, you must write a list of instructions on how you are going to make it.

You need to include:

  • Title
  • What you will need
  • List of instructions (Using time connectives, bullet points and bossy verbs)
  • Diagrams to help

You will then need to collect all of the material that you will need to make this model and bring it all in on International Day, along with your instructions that you are going to follow.

PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ANY OF THE MODEL AT HOME! We want to see what you can do in class!

Good luck!!
Mr Glenn

Miss Brenda