Oakley College

Oakley College

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Deberes y detalle de exámenes Semana 3 27-01-16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana se recogerán el siguiente jueves 4 de febrero.
El resumen nº2 del libro de lectura será para el 10 de febrero.

A continuación les doy las fechas de los siguientes exámenes y les detallo qué se evaluará en cada uno:
 03/02:  1er ejercicio de gramática:   Sílaba tónica y sílaba átona
                                                           El sustantivo
                                                           El género y número del sustantivo

10/02: 2º ejercicio de ortografía:     Palabras terminadas en -y

11/02: 2º ejercicio de comprensión lectora

15/02: 2º ejercicio de gramática:      Los artículos
                                                          Palabras derivadas
                                                          Palabras compuestas

16/02:  Ejercicio de expresión escrita (descripción de paisajes)

Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia

Friday, 22 January 2016

Deberes de Lengua Semana 2 22-01-16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana se recogerán el jueves 28.
Recuerdo que el resumen debe ser entregado el miércoles 27.

Por otra parte el martes 26, tendremos el primer ejercicio de evaluación de ortografía (dictado). Se evaluará el sonido J (ja,jo,ju, je, ji, ge, gi ) y palabras con mp y mb.

Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Homework Week 2

Hello everyone,

This week's homework is as follows:

Maths: the four activities on Education City in the Maths Homework folder and complete the money word problems worksheet.

English: Both classes to learn their scripts for their class assemblies.

Spelling: Spelling sheets as usual in books.

Science: Their project is to create a fact file, presented as a booklet, about the habitat of their choice. This should be a minimum of 6 pages. They can find out information from the internet and books but should write the information in their own words so that they understand it. They can draw pictures to help support their information. This is due in on Week 5 - 10th February.

We look forward to seeing them!

Good luck!

Mr Glenn and Miss Jenny

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Science Day and Rainforest Displays


Oakley will be having a Science Day on Wednesday 27th. We will be carrying out fun experiments and ask each child to bring in an empty fizzy drink bottle please (no smaller than 2 litres). All will become clear on the day!

ALSO, for our Rainforest topic the children will be creating their own rainforest displays. For this they will need to bring in a show box each. 4J will need theirs for week 4 and 4G will need theirs for week 5.

Thank you very much in advance.

Mr Glenn, Miss Jenny and Miss Deborah

Monday, 18 January 2016

4J Class Assembly

4J have their class assembly on Tuesday 26th of January at 3:20pm.

Can all children please wear blue and white clothes for the assembly, we will all be wearing the colours of the Scotland flag.
Also can they please bring 4 safety pins so we can attach a flag to our T-shirts.

I have included the link to our class song, please can you practice this at home.


For the second song we will only be learning verse 1 and the chorus.


The girls will be performing a Scottish dance and will work with me during break times at 2:50 - 3:00 every day.

Thank you
Miss Jenny

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Deberes de Lengua Castellana Semana 1 15-01-16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes se recogerán el próximo jueves 21.
El resumen del libro se entregará  el miércoles 25.
Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Homework Week 1

Hello and welcome back!

We hope that everyone had a fantastic Christmas and Happy New Year!!

This week's homework is on Education City and is looking at multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 for Maths, and punctuation and connectives for English.

If there are any problems then please inform your teacher.

Thanks very much

Mr Glenn, Miss Jenny and Miss Joanne