Oakley College

Oakley College

Friday, 16 December 2016

Recomendación de Lengua.

Resultado de imagen de estrella de navidad

¡Buenas tardes a todos!

¡Por fin llegan las Vacaciones de Navidad!

Les deseo a todos unas felices fiestas y una buena entrada de año.

Únicamente recomendarles, leer y escribir un poquito con los ñinos, cuidando la caligrafía y los signos de puntuación. Cualquier momento es bueno para aprender.😊

"Que la magia de la Navidad esté siempre en nuestros corazones"

¡Feliz Navidad !

Miss Rita.

4J Christmas Party

On Wednesday 21st, we will be having a Christmas party :-)

So that we don't have too much food here is the list of one item each person should take with them.

Miss Jenny

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

4G's Party Food List

Hello, here is the party food list for Wednesday 21st.

Thank you very much and have a great Christmas and Happy New Year!

Mr Glenn


Crisps x1 large bag
Crisps x1 large bag
Adriana M
Crisps x1 large bag
Crisps x1 large bag
Adriana A
Savoury Snacks
Savoury Snacks
Sweets (non chocolate)
Sweets (non chocolate)
Martina V
Cake (non chocolate)
Biscuits (not chocolate)
Juice (non fizzy) 2litres
Juice (non fizzy) 2litres
Juice (non fizzy) 2litres
Plastic Cups x25

Friday, 9 December 2016

Nota de lengua.

¡Buenas tardes a todos!

Esta semana no habrán deberes de Lengua.
Hoy no hemos podido corregir los deberes, porque teníamos en ensayo de la obra de navidad. Los corregiremos la semana que viene.
Recuerden que deben seguir leyendo en casita y practicar la escritura.
El libro y resumen entregados esta semana es el último del trimestre.

Que disfruten del fin de semana.
Un abrazo y hasta el lunes.


Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Deberes de Lengua.

¡Buenas tardes a todos!

Mañana jueves repartiré los deberes de esta semana. Serán de repaso del trimestre y tendrán que ser devueltos el próximo viernes 9.12.16.

Aprovecho para recordarles las siguientes fechas:
Este viernes día corregiremos la comprensión lectora que entregué la semana pasada y el miércoles, día 7,  recogeré el último resumen del trimestre y el libro correspondiente.

¡Un abrazo a todos y muchísimas gracias!

Miss Rita.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Christmas play costumes

The Magical Christmas Jigsaw Costumes

Beth: purple top, jeans/trousers, hat and scarf
Eve: yellow top, jeans/trousers, hat and scarf
Joe: blue top, jeans/trousers, hat and scarf
Tom: green top, jeans/trousers, hat and scarf
Meg: red top, jeans/trousers, hat and scarf
Stallholders, Toy sellers & Conductor: everyday clothes, hat and scarf
Gold Angel: white dress, gold headdress and wings
Purple Angel: white dress, purple headdress and wings
Blue Angel: white dress, blue headdress and wings
Silver Angel: white dress, silver headdress and wings
Big star: yellow dress and headdress
Romans: Roman Soldiers
Chief Roman: Roman soldier with feathered hat
King Herod: purple long robe, cloak and crown
Nazarenes: long robe and headdress
Inn Keeper, Inn wife & family: long robe and headdress
Shepherds: long robe, headdress and crook
Courtier: black trousers, red tunic, cloak and hat
Servant: long robe and headdress
Caspar: blue long robe and gold crown
Balthasar: red long robe and gold crown
Melchior: green long robe and crown
Joseph: long robe, headdress
Mary: blue long robe and headdress

Please can you have your costumes in school by Wednesday 7th of December.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Deberes de Lengua

¡Buenas tardes a todos!

Mañana jueves 24.11.16 recogeré los resúmenes  y bajaremos a la biblioteca para cambiar el libro.

El siguiente resumen y cambio de libro será para el miércoles 7.12.16.

Además se llevarán a casa una comprensión lectora de deberes, que tendrá que ser entregada el próximo viernes día 2.12.16.

Muchas gracias, reciban un fuerte abrazo.

Miss Rita.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Roman Day


Next Monday (21st) Year 4 have their Roman Day. We will be having a creative day, learning even more about the Romans! We will be looking at what made their army so successful, what their diet was, chariot racing and moulding our very own oil lanterns!

Children can come to school dressed as a Roman. Ideas for a costume are on the letters that are being sent home this week.

A list of the food that children are allowed to bring are also on the letter, please note that due to allergies, we ask you to not bring anything that contains nuts.

Please also have a large piece of cardboard ready by Monday, so you can design and make your own shields during the day.

Thank you once again for your support and we hope the children enjoy their trip back in time!

If you have any questions, please ask!

Mr Glenn and Miss Jenny

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Newspaper for Art

Please if you have any old newspapers we could use for Art, can you bring them into school.

Thank you!

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Homework Week 11

Hi all,

Your homework this week is English, Maths and Spelling. For spelling please learn all 10 words for a test next week.

Your English homework is to learn your song and script words for the Christmas play.

For Maths you need to make your own analogue clock on A4 paper. You need to label it showing which side is past the hour and which side is to the hour.

Have a good week!

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Gladiator Sheilds

Hi all,

Welcome back after your half term, we hoped you are nice and relaxed and ready for a busy half term!

In topic we are going to be making our own Gladiator shields. Please can you bring a large piece of cardboard with you to school by Tuesday 15th November.

Thank you
Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Monday, 24 October 2016

Lengua Castellana.

¡Buenos días a todos!

Hoy repartiré a los alumnos la ficha de estudio con la fecha del próximo examen de Lengua castellana, que será la semana del 14 de noviembre, a la vuelta de las vacaciones.

También les cuento que este miércoles 26.10.16 repartiré los deberes y serán recogidos el día 10.11.16.
¡Recuerden que los deberes son ejercicios que les ayudarán para el examen!

Por último ,recordarles que este jueves recogeré los resúmenes (por tanto, llevarán libro nuevo) y los deberes de la semana anterior, ya que el viernes tendremos nuestra fiesta de Halloween.

La fecha para la entrega del siguiente resumen y cambio de libro será para el 10.11.16

Muchísimas gracias por su colaboración.

Un fuerte abrazo y feliz semana.

Miss Rita.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Homework Week 8

Hi all,

Your homework this week is spelling, maths, English and science. Please learn all 10 spelling words for a test next week.

English, science and maths are on Education City.

Have a good week!!

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Lengua Castellana.

¡Buenos días a todos!

Este jueves 20.10.16 habrán deberes sobre los tipos de puntos y el sujeto y predicado.
La fecha de entrega será para el próximo jueves 27.10.16, coincidiendo con la entrega del libro y el resumen.

Un saludo y feliz semana.

Miss Rita.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Nota de Lengua

¡Buenos días a todos!

¡Ya hemos acabado los primeros exámenes de las Unidades 1 y 2!
Ahora toca continuar y esta semana si que habrán deberes de Lengua. Los repartiré el Jueves junto con el nuevo libro de la biblioteca para hacer el resumen.

Así pues, les comunico las nuevas fechas a tener en cuenta:
Deberes de Lengua: Entrega el jueves 13.10 y recogida el 20.10.16.

Libro para resumen: Recogida el jueves 13.10.16 y entrega el 27.10.16

Un saludo, muchas gracias y feliz semana.

Miss Rita.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Homework Week 6

Hi all,

Well done on your amazing costumes for International Day, Mr Glenn and I were really impressed!

Your homework this week is English, Maths, Science and Spelling. Please learn all 10 words for a spelling test next week. 4J will have their test on Tuesday as we are not at school on Wednesday.

In English we are looking at the order of a sentence. Read the words and re-arrange them to make the sentence correct. Do not add, change or remove any words.

Maths and Science is on Education City. If you are having trouble accessing Education City please let myself or Mr Glenn now ASAP.

Have a great week!

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Nota de Lengua

¡Buenos días a todos!

Me pongo en contacto con ustedes para comunicarles que esta semana no habrán deberes.
Practiquen y estudien para la próxima semana de exámenes, (pueden ayudarse de las fichas de deberes).

Les recuerdo que el resumen del libro es para el próximo 13.10.16

¡Un saludo y muchas gracias!

Miss Rita.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

International Day

International Day is Thursday 6th October. Year 4 will be exploring the history and traditions of the U.S.A.

For traditional costumes the girls will represent the Native Americans and the boys a cowboy. If you do not want to dress as one of these you don't have to. You can come to school wearing the colours of the flag (red, white & blue) or you can come in your school uniform.

We will participating in many activities through-out the day linked to the U.S.A and the history and traditions. We will be making milkshakes, writing the recipe for this, making Totem Polls, Teepees and finding out about the Native American Tribes.

Can you please bring into school a toilet roll holder to make the Totem Poll.

We look forward to celebrating the U.S.A with you all!!

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Roman Helmets

Hi all,

We will be making Roman Helmets in Humanities. Can you please bring in old newspapers so we can make these with a paper mache.

Thank you
Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Friday, 23 September 2016

Homework Week4

Hi everyone,

Your homework this week has to be returned on Tuesday 27th September. It include English, Maths, Science and Spelling. Please learn your spelling words for a test next week.

English homework you need to re-write the paragraph in your homework books adding in the punctuation and connectives.

Maths and Science are on Education City.

Have a great week!

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Fechas importantes ( Lengua)

¡Buenas tardes papás y mamás!

Notas importantes:

Mañana jueves entregaré a los alumnos una nueva ficha de deberes, que además servirá de repaso para el examen. La fecha para entregar dichos deberes será para el próximo viernes 30.09.16.

También llevarán una ficha de estudio con la fecha de los exámenes que tendrán lugar la semana del 3 de Octubre. La ficha les servirá para repasar con ellos los conceptos que deben preparar.

Y por último, también cogerán un libro de la biblioteca, que por motivo de la semana de exámenes, el resumen será recogido en tres semanas, es decir, el día 13.10.16.

Muchísimas gracias por la colaboración, cualquier consulta, no duden en preguntarme.

¡Gracias de nuevo!

Saludos cordiales, Miss Rita.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Homework Week 3

Hi all,

We hope you are having a good week. Your homework is to be handed in on Tuesday 21st September. You have English, Maths, Science and Spelling. Please learn all 10 words and their meaning for your test next week.

For English complete the Fable characters activity where you have to write a describing word, adjective, about each animal. try to add some of your own words.

Maths and Science are on Education City. If you are having problems with Education City you must let Miss Jenny or Mr Glenn know before the 21st of September.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Deberes de Lengua

¡Buenas tardes queridos papás y mamás de Year 4          !

Les comunico que mañana los niños y niñas llevarán la primera ficha de deberes.
Es muy sencilla y será explicada en clase previamente.
Dicha ficha les ayudará también a repasar los contenidos de la unidad.

Los deberes serán recogidos y corregidos el próximo viernes 23.09.16

¡Un saludo y muchas gracias!

Miss Rita.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

¡Buenas tardes a todos y bienvenidos al curso escolar 2016/2017!

Soy Miss Rita y estoy encantada de volver al departamento de KS2.

Este año trabajaremos muy duro, como cada año, para aprender muchas cositas de nuestra lengua castellana.

 Year 4G (Glenn):  los alumnos y alumnas han cogido libro hoy de la biblioteca. La fecha de entrega del resumen y del libro será para el próximo jueves 22.09.16

Year 4J(Jenny): Cogerán el libro el viernes debido al horario de la clase de hoy. Este viernes iremos y la fecha para entregar es también para el jueves 22.09.16

Sin más, reciban un cordial saludo.

¡Feliz Día del Pino mañana!

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Welcome to Year 4!

Hello everyone!!!

Welcome to Year 4. Miss Jenny, Mr Glenn & Miss Rita are very excited to be your teachers this year. We hope you are well rested after the holidays and are ready to start learning!!

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Vacaciones de verano

Hola a todos:

Les deseo pasen unas merecidas vacaciones tras un intenso curso. Después de todo lo que hemos aprendido y trabajado nos toca descansar, jugar, pasar tiempo con la familia y amigos, bailar, hacer deporte, leer, reír... En definitiva, disfrutar del verano.
Haz un huequito de vez en cuando y repasa lo aprendido, pero lo más importante es que no dejes de leer.

Sé muy feliz y nos vemos el próximo curso.

Millones de besos.

Miss Natalia

Monday, 27 June 2016

Last week of term!!

Well it is the last week of term and we have so much to do this week, including Aqualand!

On Wednesday can you please bring a plastic bag with you so you can take all your exercise books and work home.

Thursday is Aqualand!!! YAY!!!!!

You will need to bring:

Small back pack
Sun cream
Change of Oakley T-shirt
Swimming things - you can wear these under your uniform
Flips flops or swimming shoes
Small bottle of water
Morning Snack
Packed lunch if you are normally a packed lunch

Enjoy your last week!

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Teacher Photos

Some of you have asked for photos of the teachers for your information booklets.

Here they are:

Deberes de Lengua Semana 9 3-06-16

Hola a todos,
Esta semana no hay deberes.
Ya hemos cogido libro de lectura para hacer el último resumen. La fecha para entregarlo será el lunes 13 ( se adelanta al lunes pues el martes se van de acampada).

Muchas gracias,
Miss Natalia.

Homework Week 9

Hi all!

Your homework this week is to create an information booklet about Year 4. This must be handed in by the 22nd of June.

Enjoy your week!

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Friday, 27 May 2016

Deberes de Lengua Semana 8 27-05-16

Hola a todos,
Esta semana no hay deberes.
Ya hemos realizado todos los exámenes y la próxima semana si fuera necesario, la utilizaré para hacer recuperaciones de algunos de los aspectos evaluados.

Buen fin de semana y FELIZ DÍA DE CANARIAS.

Miss Natalia

Tuesday, 24 May 2016


Here are some helpful revision sites to use when studying:

Maths websites - interactive

Maths worksheets you can print
With these websites, choose which topic you would like to practice, select that title and choose the worksheet you would like to use.

Science Revision:

Week 8 Homework

Hi all,

This week you do not have specific homework. Use your homework book to revise for exams next week.

You need to revise for English, Maths and Science. Practise reading in English as much as you can to help with your comprehension. For Maths look at all the topics we have done thi syear, especially addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and word problems. Use Education City to practice. Your science exam will look at everything we have learned in Year 4.

Your exams will be on the following days:
Tuesday 31st May - Spelling and Maths
Wednesday 1st June - Reading
Thursday 2nd June - Science

You can also use your exercise books from class to help but remeber to return these!

Have a good week!
Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Friday, 20 May 2016

Deberes de Lengua Semana7 20-05-16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana se recogerán el jueves 26.
El nuevo libro de lectura para el último resumen del curso lo cogeremos la próxima semana.

Los últimos exámenes los tendremos: el jueves 26 (ortografía), el viernes 27 (gramática).

Les recuerdo que el miércoles 25 celebraremos nuestra asamblea del Día de Canarias.
Esperamos verlos a todos.

Muchas gracias,
Miss Natalia

Friday, 13 May 2016

Deberes de Lengua Semana 6 13-05-16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana se recogerán el próximo jueves 19.
El miércoles 18 realizaremos el examen de comprensión lectora sobre el libro de lectura.
Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia

Friday, 6 May 2016

Deberes de Lengua Semana 5 6/05/16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana se recogerán el jueves 12.
Ya tienen el libro nuevo para el último examen  de comprensión lectora que será el miércoles 18.
Y4J tiene el libro "Cleta y Domitila" y Y4G tienen "Piojos y tarea".
Es muy importante que el libro esté todos los días en clase pues lo estamos trabajando en gran grupo.
Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Homework Week 5

Hello everyone,

Your homework this week is English, maths, science and spelling.

Our spelling focus this week is homophones. Learn all 10 words for a spelling test next Wednesday.

Your English and maths homework is on Education City. Please remember to tell us if you can not access this before the deadline.

In science we are learning about magnets, complete the paragraph about magnets and identify each pole in the diagrams.

Enjoy your week,

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Week 5 Homework

Hi everyone,

Your homework is English, maths and spelling. We are continuing to look at prefixes in spelling. Learn all 10 words for a test next Wednesday.

In English, we are practicing our reading comprehension skills. Read the story you have been given and answer the questions.

Maths homework is on Education City in the homework folder. Please if you can not access this tell us BEFORE Tuesday.

Enjoy your week

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Deberes de Lengua Semana 4 29-04-16

Hola a todos,
Esta semana no habrá deberes.
Recuerdo que el miércoles 4 de mayo tendrán el nuevo libro de contenido canario para el último examen de comprensión lectora.
Y4 J tendrá el libro: Cleta y Domitila ( este libro tiene dos historias y hay que leerlas).
Y4G tendrá el libro: Piojos y tarea.
Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Deberes de Lengua Semana 3 22-04-16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana se recogerán el jueves 28.
Hasta el 4 de mayo no cogeremos libro nuevo para lectura. Ese día tendrán otro de autor canario para repetir la rutina del primer libro y terminar con un examen de comprensión lectora.

Les recuerdo que la próxima semana comienza la primera parte de los exámenes finales y que toda la información relacionada con este tema ya ha sido enviada a casa y está escrita en la agenda escolar.

Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia 

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Homework Week 3

Hi everyone,

Your homework this week is English, Maths, Spelling and Science.

The spelling focus for this week is prefixes. Please learn the words for a test next Wednesday.

In English we have been looking at Explanation and Persuasive Texts, please create a persuasive advert for a new flavour of milkshake, try to be as creative as you can!

In Maths we have been focusing on multiplication and division by 10 and 100. Please complete the questions by answering on the sheet.

Science is a magnetic word search. Find all the words in the word search circling the magnetic materials in green and the non-magnetic material in red.

Have a good week!

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Friday, 15 April 2016

Deberes de Lengua Semana 2 15-04-16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana se recogerán el jueves 21.
Recuerdo que el examen de comprensión lectora y expresión escrita será el miércoles 20 y tendrá que ver con el libro de lectura de autor canario.
Y4G: Cleta y Domitila.
Y4J: Piojos y tarea.

Hoy hemos entregado las fichas de estudio y la fechas de los últimos exámenes del último trimestre.
En ellas se detalla todo lo que se evaluará en estos meses y también se  apuntará en las agendas de los alumnos.

Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Homework Week 2

Hello everyone,

Your homework this week is Spelling, Maths and English.

The spelling focus is words ending in 'sion', please write the words 3 times and learn them for a spelling test next Wednesday.

In English we are focusing on adverbs.

In this activity you need to change the words underlined into an adverb. Write the sentence into your homework book with the adverb. For example Q1. would be The rabbit left the room quickly.

In this activity you need to write the sentence in your book with an adverb added. Then underline the verb in red and the adverb in blue.

In Maths we have been learning about area and perimeter. 

In this activity you need to find the area and perimeter of each shape, don't forget your unit of measurement.
For this activity you need to cut out each shape, area and perimeter, match them and then stick them in your book.

Have a great week,

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Friday, 8 April 2016

Departamento de Lengua Deberes Semana 1 8-04-16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana se recogerán el jueves 14.
Con respecto al libro de lectura que llevan esta semana, es un libro de contenido canario y de autor canario ya que durante este trimestre leeremos dos libros de este tipo.
Este libro debe ser leído en dos semanas y con él al final, haremos un pequeño examen  que será la nota de expresión escrita y comprensión lectora.
La clase de Y4J tiene "Piojos y tareas" y la clase de Y4G "Cleta y Domitila".
Es importante que este libro venga todos los días a clase pues en ocasiones lo trabajaremos en la hora de Lengua.

Por otro lado ya hemos empezado con el día de Canarias y necesito, por favor que practiquen la letra de la canción "Para toda mi gente" de Efecto Pasillo.

Muchas gracias por su apoyo.
Miss Natalia.

Homework Week 1

Welcome back,

We hope you all had a great Easter holiday!

Your homework this week is Spelling, English and Maths.

In spelling we are focusing on the letter pattern 'sion', learn all 10 words for a test next Wednesday. Don't forget to practice your words regularly.

English is focusing on tense and grammar. Read the passage, highlight any mistakes and write the correct answer in your book. You must also complete the story by writing an end. We expect this to be a paragraph please.

In Maths you need to answer the questions mentally, solve them and then write the answer on the worksheet.

Have a good week.

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Viking Longships!

Hello and welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed the break!

This term, Year 4 are investigating the Vikings.

As part of our art, we are going to be creating a Viking longship in class.

We kindly ask the children to bring in the following equipment on Monday 11th April:

Card at least 30cm x 20cm in size (large empty cereal boxes)
A small cardboard box (for example an empty teabag box)
A drinking straw.

Thank you very much,

Mr Glenn and Miss Jenny

Friday, 18 March 2016

Lengua Castellana Semana 10 Deberes 18-03-16

Hola a todos,
Esta semana no hay deberes. Durante las vacaciones es "obligado descansar" y leer a diario un poquito.
Miss Natalia.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Lengua Castellana Deberes Semana 9 11-03-16

Hola a todos:

Esta semana no habrá deberes. El resumen se entregará el miércoles 16.
Un saludo.
Miss Natalia.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Palmitos Park Wednesday 9th March

Hi all,

It is a very exciting week this week as we get to go to Palmitos Park!! You will need with you:

  • P.E uniform
  • Hat
  • Sun cream
  • Water bottle
  • Small backpack
  • morning snack
  • packed lunch if you are normally a packed lunch. A packed lunch will be provided for those who are normally school dinners.
We are very excied for this and hope you are too :-)

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Friday, 4 March 2016

Lengua Castellana Deberes Semana 8 04-03-16

Hola a todos,
Esta semana no hay deberes. Ya tienen nuevo libro para realizar el resumen nº 4. Se recogerá el 16 de marzo.
Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Lengua Castellana Deberes Semana 7 25-02-16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana se recogerán el próximo jueves 3 de marzo.
El resumen es para el miércoles 2.
Un saludo.
 Miss Natalia.

Homework Week 7

Hi all,

Your homework this week is to continue making your game, don't forget to keep your diary updated. You also have 10 spelling words with the focus prefixes. You will have a test on these words next Wednesday.

Have a good week.

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Monday, 22 February 2016

Extreme Reading

Here is the instructions and rules for your extreme reading photographs.

We look forward to seeing your photographs!!

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Lengua Castellana Deberes Semana 6 19-02-16

Hola a todos,
Ya hemos cogido libro nuevo para hacer el resumen nº3. La recogida del mismo será el miércoles 2 de marzo.
Les recuerdo que si algún niño o niña no tiene libro para resumen, deben coger uno de casa o asegurarse de que han devuelto todos a la biblioteca, pues hay veces que no pueden coger porque tienen más de tres en su poder.
La próxima semana retomaremos el envío de deberes.

Muchas gracias. Un saludo.

Miss Natalia

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Homework Week 6

Hi all,

This weeks homework is Maths, English and Spelling. For spelling we are focusing on prefixes, ir, anti and inter. There will be a spelling test on these 10 words next Wednesday.

Maths and English is combined through the task of making a new Maths board game. You need to design and create a Maths board game, write a diary each day and include what you did and write the instructions for your game. You must bring the game, diary and instructions into school on Wednesday 14th March.

We look forward to seeing your games and most of all playing them!!!

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Friday, 12 February 2016

Lengua Castellana Deberes semana 5 12-02-16

Hola a todos,
Esta semana no habrá deberes debido a los exámenes. El tiempo se dedicará a repasar los conceptos trabajados. Tampoco hay libro para resumen hasta nuevo aviso, aunque sí deben leer un poquito a diario.
Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia.

Homework Week 5

Hi all,

Welcome back after your long weekend. Your homework this week is Maths, English and Spelling.

In Spelling we are continuing to learn homophones please learn your 10 words and their meaning for a spelling test next Wednesday.

For English we are learning to identify the important information in a sentence. Complete task 1 and 2 on the worksheet and complete task 3 in your exercise books.

Maths is on Education City, please if you can not find this you must tell Miss Jenny or Mr Glenn BEFORE the day homework is due to be handed in.

Enjoy your week

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Deberes de Lengua Semana 4 05-02-16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana se recogerán el próximo jueves 11 y el resumen el miércoles 10.

Les recuerdo que el próximo miércoles 10, tendremos el segundo examen de ortografía de palabras terminadas en -y  y el jueves 11, el de comprensión lectora.

Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia

Homework Week 4

This week your homework is English, Maths and Spelling. It is to be handed in on Wednesday 10th February as we are not at school on Tuesday 9th due to Carnival.

In English we are focusing on connectives. Your task is to either complete the sentences with a connective or re-write the passage adding connectives to make it more interesting. Remember in the passage to use the correct punctuation and read over your final piece to make sure it makes sense.

Maths homework is on Education City, please complete this.

Spelling we are focusing on homophones, words which sound the same but have a different meaning. Please learn these words for a spelling test next Wednesday. You will need to learn the meaning of each word so you know which spelling to use.

Don't forget your science fact file is also to be handed in on Wednesday 10th February.

Have a lovely Carnival and few days off!

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Deberes y detalle de exámenes Semana 3 27-01-16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana se recogerán el siguiente jueves 4 de febrero.
El resumen nº2 del libro de lectura será para el 10 de febrero.

A continuación les doy las fechas de los siguientes exámenes y les detallo qué se evaluará en cada uno:
 03/02:  1er ejercicio de gramática:   Sílaba tónica y sílaba átona
                                                           El sustantivo
                                                           El género y número del sustantivo

10/02: 2º ejercicio de ortografía:     Palabras terminadas en -y

11/02: 2º ejercicio de comprensión lectora

15/02: 2º ejercicio de gramática:      Los artículos
                                                          Palabras derivadas
                                                          Palabras compuestas

16/02:  Ejercicio de expresión escrita (descripción de paisajes)

Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia

Friday, 22 January 2016

Deberes de Lengua Semana 2 22-01-16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana se recogerán el jueves 28.
Recuerdo que el resumen debe ser entregado el miércoles 27.

Por otra parte el martes 26, tendremos el primer ejercicio de evaluación de ortografía (dictado). Se evaluará el sonido J (ja,jo,ju, je, ji, ge, gi ) y palabras con mp y mb.

Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Homework Week 2

Hello everyone,

This week's homework is as follows:

Maths: the four activities on Education City in the Maths Homework folder and complete the money word problems worksheet.

English: Both classes to learn their scripts for their class assemblies.

Spelling: Spelling sheets as usual in books.

Science: Their project is to create a fact file, presented as a booklet, about the habitat of their choice. This should be a minimum of 6 pages. They can find out information from the internet and books but should write the information in their own words so that they understand it. They can draw pictures to help support their information. This is due in on Week 5 - 10th February.

We look forward to seeing them!

Good luck!

Mr Glenn and Miss Jenny

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Science Day and Rainforest Displays


Oakley will be having a Science Day on Wednesday 27th. We will be carrying out fun experiments and ask each child to bring in an empty fizzy drink bottle please (no smaller than 2 litres). All will become clear on the day!

ALSO, for our Rainforest topic the children will be creating their own rainforest displays. For this they will need to bring in a show box each. 4J will need theirs for week 4 and 4G will need theirs for week 5.

Thank you very much in advance.

Mr Glenn, Miss Jenny and Miss Deborah

Monday, 18 January 2016

4J Class Assembly

4J have their class assembly on Tuesday 26th of January at 3:20pm.

Can all children please wear blue and white clothes for the assembly, we will all be wearing the colours of the Scotland flag.
Also can they please bring 4 safety pins so we can attach a flag to our T-shirts.

I have included the link to our class song, please can you practice this at home.


For the second song we will only be learning verse 1 and the chorus.


The girls will be performing a Scottish dance and will work with me during break times at 2:50 - 3:00 every day.

Thank you
Miss Jenny

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Deberes de Lengua Castellana Semana 1 15-01-16

Hola a todos,
Los deberes se recogerán el próximo jueves 21.
El resumen del libro se entregará  el miércoles 25.
Muchas gracias.
Miss Natalia.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Homework Week 1

Hello and welcome back!

We hope that everyone had a fantastic Christmas and Happy New Year!!

This week's homework is on Education City and is looking at multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 for Maths, and punctuation and connectives for English.

If there are any problems then please inform your teacher.

Thanks very much

Mr Glenn, Miss Jenny and Miss Joanne