Oakley College

Oakley College

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Summer Uniform

Hi all,

In May we will change to our summer uniform. On Monday 4th May please come to school wearing your summer uniform.

Thank you

Miss Jenny

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Deberes de Lengua Semana 2 24-04-15

Hola a todos,
Junto con los deberes de esta semana también llevan la ficha de estudio y las fechas de los próximos y últimos exámenes del curso.
La hoja de deberes la recogeré el próximo miércoles 29, al igual que el resumen.
El lunes  27 de abril tendremos un examen de comprensión lectora del libro de autor canario que ya han leído.

La semana del 4 de mayo empezaremos con los exámenes. El lunes tendremos el dictado, el martes el examen de gramática y el miércoles el de expresión escrita.
Un saludo.
 Miss Natalia.

Year 4 art

Hi, in art this term we are linking it to our topic of The Vikings. We have been looking at Viking Long ships and are now going to make our very own 3D Viking Long ship.

To do this you will need to bring in the following items for your next art lesson (4G - Monday 27.4.15, 4J - Wednesday 29.4.15).

  • An empty cereal box
  • An empty teabag box
Thank you 

Miss Jenny

Homework Week 2

Hi all!!

Week 2´s homework is English, Maths, Science and Spelling. As usual you have 10 words to learn for a spelling test next Wednesday. PLEASE make sure you are practicing these every day.

English we are focusing on adverbs. Complete the tasks by adding adverbs to each sentence.

In Maths we are looking at multiplication in word problems. You need to cut out the questions, stick them in your homework book then write the answer.

Science is a word search for magnetic objects. Find and colour the magnetic objects green and the non magnetic objects red.

Have a great week!

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Friday, 17 April 2015

Deberes de Lengua Semana 1 17-04-15

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana hacen un repaso de lo trabajado en clase.
Se recogerán el próximo jueves 23.
Esta semana no llevan libro de lectura para realizar el resumen ya que estamos trabajando en clase el libro leído durante las vacaciones y del cual vamos a hacer la comprensión lectora por escrito y que contará como nota.
Volverán a hacer un resumen con el siguiente libro de autor canario y haremos lo mismo que con el anterior.

En breve mandaré información sobre las semanas de exámenes y de los contenidos que serán evaluados.
Un saludo.
Miss Natalia.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Homework week 1

Hi all and welcome back!!

We hope you all had a very nice, relaxing Easter break. We start this term with lots to do!!!

Your homework this week is Maths, English, Topic and Spelling. This needs to be handed back into school on Tuesday 21st April.

The spelling focus for this week is words ending in 'sion'. Practice and learn all 10 words for a spelling test next Wednesday.

For English, you need to read the text, highlight or shade any mistakes you find and correct these. Once you have done this, you must complete the text.

Maths is focusing on addition and subtraction of negative numbers. You must complete all equations. Don't forget to use the number line if you are finding it tricky.

We have started a new topic, The Vikings, your homework is to solve which Viking had which nickname. Follow the clues to help you do this. This is problem solving so it will really make you think!!

Have a great week

Miss Jenny & Mr Glenn