Oakley College

Oakley College

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Homework in the holidays

It´s holiday time already!

We have a had an excellent term and you have all worked so hard, well done.

In the holidays your homework is to read a book, in English, and create a story map for this book. Your story map should be on A4 paper and coloured. Remember you need arrows to show the direction of the story and only use pictures.

This should be handed in on Tuesday 14th April.

To keep practicing your Maths, use the links below to take you to some fun Maths games.




Have a lovely holiday everyone, see you all in 2 weeks

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

AMAZING Board games

Well done everyone!!

Mr Glenn and I are amazed and impressed by your excellent board games. You have all worked extremely hard on these.

The variety of games and the ideas you have shown are way above what we had expected when we set you this challenge.

We are very proud teachers :-)

Well done again

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Deberes de Lengua semana 12 26-03-15

Hola a todos,

Para esta Semana Santa los únicos deberes que habrán serán la lectura de un libro de autor canario (que ya llevan) y el resumen del mismo. El libro será devuelto junto con el resumen el lunes 13 de abril.
Disfruten del descanso, nos vemos a la vuelta. Miss Natalia.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Easter Egg Competition

Next Friday, 27th March, we will be having our Easter Egg competition in school. You need to bring a hard boiled egg and any materials you need to decorate it.

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Week 11 Science homework

HI everyone.

Your homework this week is to complete your board game, instructions and diary. This needs to be brought to school by Wednesday 25th March.

For Science, you need to copy and complete the sentences about Solids, Liquids and Gasses. This should be done in your homework book.

Enjoy your week

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Deberes de Lengua semana 11 20-03-15

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana son sobre uso  de la "h"y los tiempos verbales.
Los recogeré como último día el miércoles 25, un día antes de lo habitual.
Recuerdo que el 25 también tienen que entregarme el resumen y cogeremos libro nuevo para Semana Santa.
Un saludo. Miss Natalia.


Here is a link to a fun game using co-ordinates


Monday, 16 March 2015

Palmitos Park

Last week we went to Palmitos Park, it was an excellent day!!

Well done everyone on your super behaviour and asking some excellent questions to help your learning.

Here is a group photo from the Dolphin talk.

Maths Game

Hi all!!

This week in Maths we are looking at co-ordinates. Here is a game you can try at home :-)


Nuevo contenido para el último trimestre de Lengua española

Hola a todos:
Les informo del nuevo contenido que vamos a trabajar en Y4 en el último trimestre.

Unidad 9:

  • La fábula.
  • Estructura de la fábula.
  • La acción y el tiempo de los verbos.
  • El uso de la letra "h" (II).
  • Los antónimos con "des-"/"in-".
Unidad 10:
  • La noticia.
  • Los accidentes del verbo: número y persona.
  • El uso de la letra "b".
  • La precisión léxica.
Unidad 11:
  • El diálogo.
  • El sujeto y el predicado de la oración.
  • El uso de las letras "g" y "j".
  • La precisión léxica (II).
Unidad 12:
  • El texto con normas.
  • Los tipos de oraciones.
  • El uso de "r" y "rr".
  • Las onomatopeyas.
Un saludo. Miss Natalia.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Deberes de lengua semana 10 13-03-15

Hola a todos,
Los deberes de esta semana se entregarán el viernes 13 y se recogerán el jueves 19. En ellos trabajarán los determinantes y los pronombres personales.
El último resumen del trimestre deberá entregarse el miércoles 25.
Un saludo.
Miss Natalia.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Palmitos Park

We are going to Palmitos Park tomorrow, Thursday 12th March. Please try to be at school in time for register as we are leaving at 9:00am.

You will need to bring with you:

  • Small backpack
  • hat/sunglasses
  • Sun cream
  • Wear your PE kit
  • A morning snack
We will return to school around 3:00pm.

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Week 10

Hello everyone!

This week your homework is to continue with creating your board game. Remember this should include some form of Maths function (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division). You can have simple Maths equations or really challenge the player with some tricky word problems.

Don't forget you need to create the playing pieces for your games. If you are looking for some ideas think about the board games you play at home. Can you make any changes to these and create a whole new game?

Your instructions can be hand written or typed on the computer and your diary should be written on paper or in a small note book.

We hope you are all enjoying this challenge!! If you have any questions speak Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn.

Remember the date for this to be handed in is Wednesday 25th of March.

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn

Friday, 6 March 2015

Deberes de lengua semana 9 02-03-15

Hola a todos,
Después de esta semana de exámenes no habrá deberes.
La próxima semana retomaremos la normalidad y cogeremos libro nuevo para realizar el correspondiente resumen, será el último del trimestre. La fecha de entrega por lo tanto será para el 25 de marzo.
Un saludo. Miss Natalia.

Homework Week 9 & 10

Hi all.

Firstly, well done on your exams this week, you have all worked very hard :-) Mr Glenn and I are very proud of you.

Your homework this week and for week 10 is to design and create a board game. This task combines your English and Maths. Remember to keep a diary of your progress.

The task is:

Maths and English Homework:
For the next three weeks you need to:
1.      Design and create a new MATHS board game. Your game must include some sort of maths (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication etc). You must make the pieces and think about how many players can play at once. Make it stand out so people want to play it!
2.      Make and write a diary entry for each day that you work on it. Explain what you are doing and how you are doing it. Use diagrams and pictures if you want to. (Use adjectives and adverbs)
3.      Write your instructions for your board game. Make sure they are easy to follow. (Use bullet points and imperatives (Bossy verbs))
On Wednesday 25th March you will need to bring all 3 things with you into school so that you can share your games with the rest of the class.

We look forward to seeing your invention and diary!

Good Luck!!

Miss Jenny and Mr Glenn